Binary & Hex Warm Up, Lesson & Worksheet - Garfield Cs Page 4


Binary & Hex Warm Up, Lesson & Worksheet:
1011. Final Assignment:
I. Take the day of the month you were born: ____, convert it to base 2: ______
II. Based on the least significant bit of that binary number (which is that?) do one of
these two activities:
- Least Significant Bit = 0:
Write out instructions on how to convert a Binary Number to Decimal, feel free to use
the binary cards provided on page 3. Imagine you are explaining this to a 6
- Least Significant Bit = 1:
Write out instructions on how to convert a Decimal Number to Binary, feel free to use
the binary cards provided on page 3. Imagine you are explaining this to a 6
+ OR Write the Pseudo code (text description of the algorithm) of how you would
design one of these conversions in a program.
1) Once you have a Decimal Number converted to a Binary number, how would you
then convert it to its Hexadecimal value? Explain the process (it’s not very hard).
Garfield Computer Science, March 2014 Mr. Bergquist
Lesson for a Day without computers


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