Atomic Makeup Isotopes Worksheet Page 4


Name___________________________________________ Grade______ Date___________
Look up the elements that are shown as diatomic molecules. Show where they appear in the following periodic table. Show the
period and group numbers for the entries.
The names and symbols for elements 104 to 111 are:
104: rutherfordium, Rf; 105: dubnium, Db; 106: seaborgium, Sg; 107: bohrium, Bh; 108: hassium, Hs; 109: meitnerium, Mt;
110: darmstadtium, Ds; 111, roentgenium, Rg. Show these on the following table, using the symbols indicated. Show the
period and the group for the entries. Element 112 will soon be made. If it was up to you, what would you name it? If element
118 is ever made, where will it be placed?


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