Sliding Scale Worksheet Page 2


Monthly Household Expenses
We do not include basic costs that everyone pays such as rent, food, transportation, etc, but extra costs unique to different
circumstances and communities.
Y / N
Number of dependents _____ x $335 monthly deduction
(based on 2015 Federal Dependent Exemptions)
Transitioning Expenses (for Trans-Identified Clients)
Y / N
Y / N
HIV and AIDS medications and related services
Y / N
Child Care
Y / N
Tuition/Educational Expenses/Student Loan Payment
(not including living expenses)
Y / N
Immigration-related Expenses
Y / N
Funds given to other adult earner/s in household
Y / N
Remittances sent to home country
Other medical expenses ​
Y / N
n ot covered by insurance or extenuating circumstances.
Please describe:
​ S um of Monthly Expenses = ‘D’ $ ​ _ ___________
Your Total Net Monthly Household Income = ‘E’
Subtract: Income ‘C’ ​ _ ______​ – Expenses ‘D’ ​ _ ______​
$ ​ _ ___________
‘ E’
Reference our Sliding Scale Fee Chart to input your Sliding Scale Rate per Service below:
Private Acupuncture (60 min) $________
Private Acupuncture / Tui Na Combo (75 min) $________
Community Acupuncture
Massage Therapy (60 min)
Herbal Consultation
Massage Therapy (90 min)
Private Yoga Session
Thank you for participating in the sliding scale process with us!


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