Permission Slip - English Rose Day School Page 2


English Rose Day School
Brown Bear, Brown Bear @ the Bardavon Theatre - Poughkeepsie,
NY – Wednesday, October 19, 2016 – 10.00am
Open to All Pre-K Classes – FDK/Extra Year and Enrichment
Child’s Name: ______________________________________
Child’s Teacher: ____________________________________
# of Children ______ X $6.00 = _________
# of Adults
______ X $6.00 = _________
Limit of 4 tickets per family at this time – unless we have more available closer the time we will advise
Check / Cash Enclosed: _________________ Check # ______
My child is attending the field trip with _________________________________________. I have
arranged this directly with the above-stated person. They understand they are responsible for my child
during the entire field trip, including transportation back and forth from the theater.
Please check off where appropriate:
___My child is going on the trip and is not coming back to school
___My child is going on the trip and will be coming back to school
___My child is not going on the trip but is coming to school.
___My child is not going on the trip and will not be in school.
I understand that my child and his/her family are attending the above-mentioned field trip. I
understand that I am responsible for my own child and family. I understand that I am responsible for
my own transportation.
Parent Signature
Print Name


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