On-Site Rescue Plan Page 2


The attached On-Site Rescue Plan and these Procedures are part of the written plan for the
confined space and are based on the assessment of hazards in this space.
Prior to entry and/or work in the confined space:
1. The entry supervisor will ensure that the attached “on-site rescue plan” for the confined
space has been completed and that all the rescue equipment identified in the plan is
available to effect a rescue in the confined space.
2. The entry supervisor will ensure that an adequate number of appropriately trained persons
(as documented in the attached “on-site rescue plan”) are available for immediate
implementation of these on-site rescue procedures that apply to the confined space.
3. The entry supervisor will review all emergency procedures, including procedures relating to
emergencies outside the confined space with all entrants and other related personnel.
4. The attendant establishes communication with all workers, using the means described in the
attached “on-site rescue plan”.
On entry and while working in the confined space:
1. The attendant who is stationed outside and near the entrance to the confined space as
described in the attached “on-site rescue plan” remains in constant communication with all
workers inside the confined space.
2. The attendant must be notified immediately if an entrant recognizes:
unusual action/ behaviour
an unexpected hazard
an unsafe act or
detects a condition prohibited by the permit
3. Entrants must exit the confined space as quickly as possible, when:
an order to evacuate is given by the attendant or entry supervisor
an entrant recognizes a sign or symptom of over-exposure
an unacceptable condition arises or
an evacuation alarm is activated.
In the event of a confined space rescue:
1. The attendant does not enter the confined space but immediately summons a rescue
response from the on-site rescue team, using the means of communication described in the
attached “on-site rescue plan”.
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