To Kill A Mockingbird Character List


To Kill a Mockingbird Character List- personality, physical traits, changes the character
faces in the book, relationships
1.Atticus Finch
1.Scout (Jean Louise Finch)
1.Jem (Jeremy Atticus Finch)
1.Cal (Calpurnia)
2.Aunt Alexandra
2.Uncle Jack Finch
3.Dill (Charles Baker Harris)
3.Miss Rachel
4.Mr. Gilmer
4.Tom Robinson
4.Bob Ewell
4.Mayella Ewell
4.Heck Tate
4.Judge John Taylor
4.Miss Maudie
5.Miss Stephanie Crawford
5.Mrs. Dubose
5.Boo (Arthur Radley)
5.Mr. Nathan Radley
6.Mr. Walter Cunningham
6.Reverend Sykes


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