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compliance with Bloomsburg’s Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance.
4. Tenant shall not engage in any conduct on the leased premises, which is declared illegal
under the Pennsylvania Crimes Code or Liquor Code, or the Controlled Substance, Drug,
Device and Cosmetic Act, nor shall Tenant permit others on the premises to engage in such
5. Tenant shall use and occupy the leased premises so as not to disturb the peaceful enjoyment
of adjacent or nearby premises by others.
6. Tenant shall not cause, nor permit nor tolerate to be caused, damage to the leased premises,
except for ordinary wear and tear.
7. Tenants shall not engage in, nor tolerate nor permit others on the leased premises to engage
in, “disruptive conduct” which is defined as “any form of conduct, action, incident or behavior
perpetrated, caused or permitted by any occupant or visitor of a regulated dwelling unit that is
so loud, untimely, offensive, riotous or that otherwise unreasonably disturbs other persons in
their peaceful enjoyment of their premises such that a report is made to the police and/or to
the Code Enforcement Officer. It is not necessary that such conduct, action, incident or
behavior constitute a criminal offense, nor that criminal charges be filed against any person in
order for a person to have perpetrated, caused or permitted the commission of disruptive
conduct as defined herein. Provided, however, that no disruptive conduct shall be deemed to
have occurred unless the Code Enforcement Officer or police shall investigate and make a
determination that such did occur, and keep written records, including a Disruptive Conduct
Report of such occurrence.”
8. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that this tenancy is subject to the provisions of the
Regulated Rental Unit Occupancy Ordinance of the Town of Bloomsburg and that the issuance
by any municipal officer of the Town of Bloomsburg of a Certificate of Noncompliance with
said Ordinance relating to the leased premises shall constitute a breach of the rental
agreement of which this addendum is a part. Upon such breach, Landlord shall have the right
and option to pursue any and all of the following remedies:
a. Termination of the rental agreement without prior notice.
b. Bring an action to recover possession of the leased premises without abatement of
rents paid, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
c. Bring an action to recover the whole balance of the rent and charges due for the
unexpired lease term, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
d. Bring an action for damages caused by Tenant’s breach, including reasonable
attorney’s fees and costs.


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