Sample Cover Letter Outline Page 2


Cover Letter Outline
Your Present Address
City, State, Zip
Name of Contact Person
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Dear (Contact Person - Be formal: Dr./Mr./Ms./Mrs.) *if not certain if married female, use Ms.
Opening Paragraph (should address interest and define career objective)
Create an opening sentence that will make the reader want to continue reading
State the job for which you are applying and explain how you learned about the position
Mention the name of the person and what relation they are to the company (if any), who referred
you to the organization and vacancy – preferably a colleague of the contact person
Paragraph (should develop your career objective and identify what you have that they want – your
resume should provide facts to support this)
Mention a few qualifications you think would be of greatest interest to the employer – use
keywords related to the position/industry
Tell why you are interested in the company and/or type of work
Indicate any related experience, educational background, or specialized training that might
increase your employability
Paragraph (should highlight specific experience)
Make a positive statement of your skills/abilities
Using examples, demonstrate skills/strengths you will bring to the position
List accomplishments and achievements and how they will transfer to the job
Indicate your willingness to relocate if applicable
Refer the reader to the enclosed qualifications in your resume
Paragraph (should request an interview) Be positive in your attitude!
Close by making a specific request for an interview
If you plan on following up, give an approximate time in which you will follow up with the company
to further discuss employment opportunities
Refer to enclosed documents (resume, references list, writing samples, etc.)- unless you have
already done so in the earlier paragraphs
Make it easy for the person to contact you. List telephone number and days/times (optional) when
you can be reached. Also list an email address. (Even though this information is on your resume,
state it here)
(Handwritten signature if you are sending a physical letter)
Type your first and last name


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