Cottage & Apartment Cleaning Schedule Template Page 2


Cottage & Apartment Cleanliness Standards
o Dishes shall be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid mold growth
o The fridge should be regularly cleared of expired food products
o The garbage emptied weekly and put into the outdoor gondola
o Counter surfaces wiped down regularly and free from excessive crumbs
o oven and stove drip pans cleaned if spillage has occurred
o Floor should be regularly mopped to avoid dirt buildup
o Garbage and trash products should be contained within a receptacle
o Carpet should be regularly vacuumed; excessive floor debris should not be present
o Garbage and trash products contained within a receptacle
o Counter surfaces, toilet bowl, and sink should be wiped down regularly
o Shower should be cleaned and free from mildew buildup
o Floor should be regularly mopped to avoid dirt buildup
Dining Room:
o Dishes and excess food material brought to the kitchen daily
o Garbage and trash product contained within a receptacle
o Carpet should be regularly vacuumed; excessive floor debris should not be present
Living Areas:
o Garbage and trash products contained within a receptacle
o Carpet regularly vacuumed; excessive floor debris should not be present
o Tables dusted regularly
o Excessive personal items stored in bedroom
o Floor swept or vacuumed
o Recycling, garbage and trash products within a receptacle
Outside and around Cottage:
o The yard and surrounding area free from trash and debris
o Personal belongings, other than those intended for outdoor recreational use, kept within
the cottage.
o garbage contained within the provided gondola
Updated January 2005


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