Reading Grade 2


Reading Grade 2
Using Digital Resources
Parent Information
Students learn by creating their own literary publications. Using online digital resources
support students when writing poems. Children may use these resources to obtain
images, and writing ideas. Children can also use online/digital resources to help them
illustrate a story or poem.
Benchmark LA. The student will use digital resources to present and publish
thoughts, ideas, poems and stories.
• Brainstorm words to help write a poem
• Edit poems
• Follow online “digital” directions to complete the creation of an ACROSTIC
poem and a DIAMANTE poem.
30 minutes
Students can learn about and write online diamante poems, which are diamond –shaped
poems that use nouns, adjectives, to describe either one central topic or two opposing
topics (for example, night/day or winter /spring). Examples of both kinds of diamante
poems can be viewed online or printed out. The online tool provides definitions of the
different parts of speech students use in composing a poem. This helps to reinforce the
connection between word study and writing as well. An acrostic poem uses the letters in
a word to begin each line of the poem. All lines of the poem relate to or describe the main
topic word. As part of the online tool, your child may “brainstorm” words to help write their
poems and can save their work-in progress to revise and edit, reinforcing elements of the
writing process. Your child can also print their finished Diamante poem and their Acrostic
poem as well.
Sample FCAT
Students practice using and identifying words that describe people, places or things.
(Use poems, or favorite stories as a resource)
Additional Resources
and Information
Katie Wood Ray Book Preview.doc


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