Dear [Donor]:
The [recipient organization name] is very grateful for your recent generous [gift/pledge] to
establish an endowment for the benefit of [name unit or describe project]. We are pleased to be
able to formally acknowledge receipt of this gift.
It will be our honor to present this gift to the [recipient organization name]’s Board of Directors
for their final acceptance. Your endowment will be known in perpetuity as [name of endowment],
and we will acknowledge this name in connection with programs, activities, or publications
[alternatively, describe here in detail the specific program(s)] supported by it. We look forward
to reporting to you annually on this endowment.
As we discussed, it is your intention to pay [describe the amount of payment; the type (cash,
check, wire transfer, gift of shares of stock, deferred gift); and when payment will occur.
Provide a detailed pledge schedule here, if applicable. If some or all payment(s) has/have been
made, include date the [recipient organization name] received fund(s) and amount(s).] [If
payment instructions needed: Payment instructions are attached to this agreement.]
[Include for pledges: We confirm our common understanding that this is a binding pledge on
you and your estate, and that the [recipient organization name] may make commitments in
reliance on this pledge. Also, w… ] We appreciate your understanding that while we are deeply
appreciative of your support of our mission, the [recipient organization name] maintains
exclusive discretion to determine the contents of its programs and exhibitions and to interpret its
mission. We also confirm that this agreement does not permit commercial use of the [recipient
organization name] name, logo, or trademarks.
[Use if this gift does not fully fund the program, endowment, etc.: As you know, [the endowment
] [may/will] require additional support which we will be seeking. If this is secured, we will
appropriately recognize other contributors. ]
Your endowment will be identified in [recipient organization name] records as a discrete and
permanent fund. Spending rules determined by the Board of Directors will determine what part
of its annual income will be available for expenditure. Consistent with the best non-profit
accounting and investment practices, the assets of all [recipient organization name] endowments