Form 10133.35 - State Of California Page 4

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THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE (All information in this section must be completed)
I accept this offer of Regular, Modified, or Alternative work.
I reject this offer of Regular, Modified, or Alternative work and understand that I may not be entitled to the
Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit.
I object to this offer because the job location that has been offered is different than the job location I held at the time of my
injury, and I do not believe this job allows a reasonable commute from my residence.
I understand that this offer is expected to last at least 12 months. If seasonal work is being offered, I understand that the 12
months may be satisfied by cumulative periods of seasonal work. In the event this position ends or I am laid off prior to working
12 months, I understand that I may be entitled to the Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit.
I understand that if I voluntarily quit prior to working in this position for 12 months, I may not be entitled to the Supplemental Job
Displacement Benefit.
I feel I cannot accept this offer because:
If the offer is not accepted or rejected within 30 days of receipt of the offer, the offer is deemed to be rejected by the
If a dispute occurs regarding the above offer or agreement, either party may request the Administrative Director to
resolve the dispute by filing a Request for Dispute Resolution (Form DWC-AD 10133.55) with the Administrative Director, Division
of Workers' Compensation, P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142-0603.
DWC-AD form 10133.35 (SJDB) Eff: 1/1/14 - Page 4 of 4


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