Down Payment Gift Letter Form - Home Trust

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Down Payment Gift Letter Form
If a financial gift is being used as part or all of the down payment, applicants and the gift donors must confirm that the gift meets certain regulatory
and legislative requirements.
Applicant Information
This letter confirms that a financial gift has been made to the applicants(s) to assist in the purchase of a property according to the details provided
Amount of Financial Gift $________________________________
ApplIcAnT 1 FIrsT nAme
ApplIcAnT 1 lAsT nAme
ApplIcAnT 2 FIrsT nAme
ApplIcAnT 2 lAsT nAme
prOperTY Address
pOsTAl cOde
Donor Information
dOnOr 1 FIrsT nAme
dOnOr 1 lAsT nAme
dOnOr 1 Address
pOsTAl cOde
dOnOr 1 phOne number
dOnOr 1 emAIl Address
relATIOnshIp TO ApplIcAnT(s)
dOnOr 2 FIrsT nAme
dOnOr 2 lAsT nAme
dOnOr 2 Address
pOsTAl cOde
dOnOr 2 phOne number
dOnOr 2 emAIl Address
relATIOnshIp TO ApplIcAnT(s)
by signing this document, I/we, as the donor(s), confirm the following:
• These funds are being provided as a gift and will never have to be repaid.
• I/we am/are a relative of the applicant and that no part of the financial gift is being provided by any third party having any direct or indirect interest
in the purchase and/or sale of the subject property referred to in this letter.
dOnOr 1 sIGnATure
dOnOr 1 nAme
dATe (mm/dd/YY)
dOnOr 2 sIGnATure
dOnOr 2 nAme
dATe (mm/dd/YY)
received by:
ApplIcAnT 1 sIGnATure
ApplIcAnT 1 nAme
dATe (mm/dd/YY)
ApplIcAnT 2 sIGnATure
ApplIcAnT 2 nAme
dATe (mm/dd/YY)
In addition to confirming the gifted funds, the donor(s) may be asked to provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover the amount of the gifted
funds. Acceptable documentation must show the amount of the gifted funds and includes a bank statement, investment statement, web statement,
or passbook.


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