Form 8809 - Application For Extension Of Time To File Information Returns Page 2

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Form 8809 (Rev. 7-2004)
by the due date of the returns. See the chart below that shows
can contact if additional information is required. Please provide
the due dates for filing this form on paper, magnetically, or
your telephone number and e-mail address. If you act as
electronically. IRS will respond in writing beginning in January.
transmitter for a group of filers, enter your name and address
Filers and transmitters of Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement,
here, and see How to file on page 1.
whose business has terminated, should follow the procedures in
Note. Approval or denial notification will be sent only to the
the 2004 Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3 to request an
person who requested the extension (filer or transmitter).
Line 2. Enter your nine-digit employer identification number (EIN)
If you are requesting an extension of time to file several types
or qualified intermediary employer identification number (QI-EIN).
of forms, you may use one Form 8809, but you must file
If you are not required to have an EIN or QI-EIN, enter your
Form 8809 by the earliest due date. For example, if you are
social security number. Do not enter hyphens. Failure to provide
requesting an extension of time to file both 1099 series and 5498
this number, and the list of numbers if you are acting as a
series forms, you must file Form 8809 by February 28 (March 31
transmitter as explained under Line 1, will result in automatic
if you file electronically). You may complete more than one
denial of the extension request.
Form 8809 to avoid this problem. An extension cannot be
Line 3. For electronic or magnetic media only. If you filed
granted if a request is filed after the due date of the original
Form 4419, Application for Filing Information Returns
Electronically/ Magnetically, to file Forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099,
5498, W-2G, or 8027, and it was approved, the IRS-Martinsburg
The due dates for filing Form 8809 are shown below.
Computing Center assigned you a five-character Transmitter
Control Code (TCC). Enter that TCC here. Leave this line blank if
PAPER, then the due
then the due date
you (1) are requesting an extension to file any Forms W-2, (2) are
IF you file Form . . .
date is . . .
is . . .
requesting an extension to file forms on paper, or (3) have not
yet received your TCC.
W-2 Series
Last day of February
March 31
Line 7. Check this box if you have already received the
February 28
March 31
automatic 30-day extension, but you need an additional
extension for the same year and for the same forms. Do not
March 15
March 15
check this box unless you received an original extension.
1098 Series
February 28
March 31
If you check this box, be sure to complete line 9. Then, sign
1099 Series
February 28
March 31
and date the request.
5498 Series
May 31
May 31
Signature. No signature is required for the automatic 30-day
Last day of February
March 31
extension. For an additional extension, Form 8809 must be
signed by you or a person who is duly authorized to sign a
return, statement, or other document.
If any due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,
file by the next business day.
Caution: You do not have to wait for a response before filing
your returns. File your returns as soon as they are ready. For all
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for
forms shown in line 8, except Form 8027, if you have received a
the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
response, do not send a copy of the letter or Form 8809 with
laws of the United States. Form 8809 is provided by the IRS to
your returns. If you have not received a response by the end of
request an extension of time to file information returns.
the extension period, file your returns. When filing Form 8027 on
Regulations section 1.6081-1 requires you to provide the
paper only, attach a copy of your approval letter. If an approval
requested information if you desire an extension of time for filing
letter has not been received, attach a copy of your timely filed
an information return. If you do not provide the requested
Form 8809.
information, an extension of time for filing an information return
may not be granted. Section 6109 requires you to provide your
Extension period. The automatic extension is 30 days from the
taxpayer identification number (TIN). Routine uses of this
original due date. You may request one additional extension of
information include giving it to the Department of Justice for civil
not more than 30 days by submitting a second Form 8809
and criminal litigation, and cities, states, and the District of
before the end of the first extension period (see Line 7 below).
Columbia for use in administering their tax laws. We may also
Requests for an additional extension of time to file information
disclose this information to other countries under a tax treaty, or
returns are not automatically granted. Generally requests for
Federal, state, or local agencies to enforce Federal nontax
additional time are granted only in cases of extreme hardship or
criminal laws and to combat terrorism. The authority to disclose
catastrophic event. The IRS will send you a letter of explanation
information to combat terrorism expired on December 31, 2003.
approving or denying your request for an additional extension
Legislation is pending that would reinstate this authority.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a
Note. The automatic and any approved additional request will
form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the
only extend the due date for filing the returns. It will not extend
form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records
the due date for furnishing statements to recipients.
relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as
Penalty. If you file required information returns late and you have
their contents may become material in the administration of any
not applied for and received an approved extension of time to
Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return
file, you may be subject to a late filing penalty. The amount of
information are confidential, as required by Code section 6103.
the penalty is based on when you file the correct information
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary
return. For more information on penalties, see the General
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average
Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G.
time is: Recordkeeping, 2 hrs., 10 min.; Learning about the law
Specific Instructions
or the form, 36 min.; Preparing and sending the form to the IRS,
28 min.
Tax year. You may request an extension for only 1 tax year on
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time
this form. If no tax year is shown, the IRS will assume you are
estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would
requesting an extension for the returns currently due to be filed.
be happy to hear from you. You can write to the Tax Products
Line 1. Enter the name and complete mailing address, including
Coordinating Committee, Western Area Distribution Center,
room or suite number of the filer or transmitter requesting the
Rancho Cordova, CA 95743-0001. Do not send the form to this
extension of time. Use the name and address where you want
address. Instead, see Where to file on page 1.
the response sent. For example, if you are a preparer and want
to receive the response, enter your client’s complete name, care
of (c/o) your firm, and your complete mailing address. Enter the
name of someone who is familiar with this request whom the IRS


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