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3.11 Fixed Wash Basin or Lavatory in Unit
Bathroom Present
The wash basin must be permanently installed ( i.e., a portable
Most units have easily identifiable bathrooms (i.e., a separate room with
wash basin does not satisfy the r equirement). Also, a kitchen sink
toilet, washbasin and t ub or shower). In some cases, however, you w ill
used to pass the requirements under Part 2 of the checklist (kitchen
encounter units with scattered bathroom facilities (i.e., toilet. washbasin
facilities) cannot also serve as the bathroom wash basin. The wash
and tub or shower located in separate parts of the unit). At a m inimum,
basin may be located separate from the other bathroom facilities
there m ust be an enclosure ar ound t he t oilet. I n t his c ase, count t he
(e.g., in a hallway).
enclosure around the toilet as the bathroom and proceed with 3.2-3.9
below, with respect to this enclosure. If there is more than one
Not w orking m eans: t he wash basin is not connected t o a system
bathroom that is normally used, rate the one that is in best condition for
that will deliver hot and cold running water; it is not connected to a
Part 3. If there is a second bathroom that is also used, complete Part 4
properly operating drain; the connectors ( or vents or traps) are
of the checklist for this room. (See Inspection Manual for additional
faulty to the extent that severe leakage of water or escape of sewer
notes on rating the second bathroom.)
gases occurs. If the water to the unit or the hot water unit has been
3.2 - 3.9 Explanation for these items is the same as that
turned off, check "Inconclusive." Obtain verification from owner or
manager that the system is in working condition.
provided for
“Living Room’’ with the following
Comment to the right of the form if the wash basin is “present and
working,” but has the following types of minor defects: insufficient
3.2 Electricity
water pressure; dripping faucets; minor leaks; cracked or chipped
Note: The requirement is that at least one permanent light
porcelain; slow drain (see discussion above under 3.10).
fixture is present and working
3.12 Tub or Shower in Unit
3.3 Electrical Hazards
Not pr esent means t hat neither a t ub nor shower is pr esent i n t he
Note: In addition to the previously mentioned hazards, outlets
unit. Again, these facilities need not be in the same room with the
that are located where water might splash or collect are
rest of the bathroom facilities. They must, however, be private.
considered an electrical hazard.
Not working covers the same requirements detailed above for wash
3.5 Window Condition
basin (3.11).
Note: The absence of a w indow does not fail this item in the
Comment to the right of the form if the tub or shower is present and
bathroom (see item 3.13, Ventilation, for relevance of window
working, but has the following types of defects: dripping faucet;
with respect to ventilation). If there is no window, but a
minor leaks; cracked porcelain; slow drain (see discussion under
working vent system is present, check “Pass.”
3.10); absent or broken support rod for shower curtain.
3.7 Wall Condition
3.13 Ventilation
Note: Include under nonhazardous defects (that would pass,
Working vent systems include: ventilation shafts ( non -mechanical
but should be noted) the following: broken or loose tile;
vents) and electric fans. Electric vent fans must function when switch is
deteriorated gr outing at t ub/wall an d t ub/floor joints, or tiled
turned on. (Make sure that any malfunctions are not due to the fan not
surfaces; water stains.
being plugged in.) If electric current to the unit has not been t urned on
3.8 Floor Condition
(and there is no operable window), check “Inconclusive.” Obtain
verification from owner or m anager that system works. Note: exhaust
Note: Include under nonhazardous defects (that would pass, but
vents must be vented to the outside, attic, or crawlspace.
should be noted) the following: missing floor tiles; water stains.
3.10 Flush Toilet in Enclosed Room in Unit
The toilet must be contained within the unit, be in proper operating
condition, and be available for the exclusive use of the occupants of
the u nit ( i.e., outhouses or facilities shared by oc cupants o f ot her
units are not acceptable). It must allow for privacy.
Not working means: the toilet is not connected to a water supply; it is
not connected to a sewer drain; it is clogged; it does not have a trap;
the connections, vents or traps ar e faulty to the extent that severe
leakage of w ater or escape of gases occurs; the flushing mechanism
does not function properly. If the water to the unit has been t urned off,
check " Inconclusive.’’ O btain ver ification f rom ow ner or m anager t hat
facility works properly when water is turned on.
Comment to the right of the form if the toilet is “present, exclusive,
and working,” but has the following types of defects: constant
running; chipped or broken porcelain; slow draining.
If dr ain b lockage i s more s erious and occurs f urther in t he s ewer
line, causing backup, check item 7.6, “Fail,” under the plumbing and
heating par t of t he c hecklist. A s ign o f serious s ewer bl ockage is
the presence of numerous backed-up drains.
Previous editions are obsolete
Page 7 of 19
ref Handbook 7420.8 form HUD-52580-A (9/00)


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