Housing Choice Voucher Program Inspection Form Page 6

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2. Kitchen
For each numbered item, check one box only.
If Fail or
If Fail, what repairs are necessary?
Inconclusive, date
If Inconclusive, give details.
(mm/dd/yyyy) of
If Pass with comments, give details.
final approval
Kitchen Area Present
Is there a kitchen?
Are there at least one working outlet and one work-
ing, permanently installed light fixture?
Electrical Hazards
Is the kitchen free from electrical hazards?
Are all windows and doors that are accessible from
the outside lockable?
Window Condition
Are all windows free of signs of deterioration or
missing or broken out panes?
Ceiling Condition
Is the ceiling sound and free from hazardous defects?
Wall Condition
Are the walls sound and free from hazardous
Floor Condition
Is the floor sound and free from hazardous defects?
Lead-Based Paint
Are all painted surfaces free of deteriorated paint?
If no, does deteriorated surfaces exceed two square
Not Applicable
feet and/or less than 10% of a component?
2.10 Stove or Range with Oven
Is there a working oven, and a stove (or range) with
top burners that work?
If no oven and stove (or range) are present, is there
a microwave oven and, if microwave is owner-sup-
plied, do other tenants have microwaves instead of
an oven and stove (or range)?
2.11 Refrigerator
Is there a refrigerator that works and maintains
a temperature low enough so that food does not
spoil over a reasonable period of time?
2.12 Sink
Is there a kitchen sink that works with hot and cold
running water?
2.13 Space for Storage, Preparation, and
Serving of Food
Is there space to store, prepare, and serve food?
Additional Comments: (Give Item Number)(Use an additional page if necessary)
Comments continued on a separate page
Previous editions are obsolete
Page 6 of 19
ref Handbook 7420.8 form HUD-52580-A (9/00)


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