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2.11 Refrigerator
If no refrigerator is present, use the same criteria for marking either
Kitchen Area Present
“Fail” or “Inconclusive” as were used for the oven and stove or range.
Note: A kitchen is an area used for preparation of meals. It may be
A refrigerator is not working if it will not maintain a temperature low
either a separate room or an area of a larger room (for example, a
enough to keep food from spoiling over a reasonable period of time.
kitchen area in an efficiency apartment).
If t he el ectricity i s t urned of f, m ark ‘ ’Inconclusive.’’ C ontact ow ner
2.2 - 2.9 Explanation for these items is the same as that
(or tenant if unit is occupied) to get verification of working condition.
provided for "Living Room’’ with the following
If the refrigerator is present and working but defects exist, note these to
the right of the form. Possible minor defects include: broken or missing
2.2 Electricity
interior shelving; dented or scratched interior or exterior surfaces; minor
Note: The requirement is that at least one outlet and one
deterioration of door seal; loose door handle.
permanent light fixture are present and working.
2.12 Sink
2.5 Window Condition
If a permanently attached kitchen sink is not present in the kitchen or
kitchen area, mark ‘’Fail.’’ A sink in a bathroom or a por table basin will
Note: The absence of a window does not fail this item in the
not satisfy this requirement. A sink is not working unless it has running
kitchen. If there is no window, check “Pass.”
hot and cold water from the faucets and a properly connected and
2.10 Stove or Range with Oven
properly w orking dr ain ( with a “gas t rap”). In a vacant apar tment, t he
Both an oven and a stove ( or range) w ith t op burners must be
hot w ater may have be en turned off and there w ill be no hot water.
present and working. If either Is missing and you know that the
Mark this “Inconclusive.” Check with owner or manager to verify that hot
owner is responsible for supplying these appliances, check “Fail.’’
water is available when service is turned on.
Put check in ‘’Inconclusive’’ column if t he t enant is r esponsible f or
If a working sink has defects, note this to the right of the item.
supplying the appliances and he or she has not yet moved i n.
Possible minor defects include: dripping faucet; marked, dented, or
Contact tenant or prospective tenant to gain verification that facility
scratched surface; slow drain; missing or broken drain stopper.
will be supplied and is in working condition. Hot plates are not
2.13 Space for Storage, Preparation, and Serving of Food
acceptable substitutes for these facilities.
Some space must be available for the storage, preparation, and
An oven is not working if it will not heat up. To be w orking a s tove
serving of f ood. If t here i s no bui lt-in s pace f or f ood storage and
or range must have all burners working and knobs to turn them off
preparation, a table used for food preparation and a portable
and on. Under “ working c ondition,” also look for hazardous gas
storage cabinet will satisfy t he requirement. If t here is no built-in
hook-ups evidenced by s trong ga s smells; these s hould f ail. ( Be
space, and no room for a table and portable cabinet, check
sure that this condition is not confused with an unlit pilot light -a
“Inconclusive” a nd discuss w ith t he tenant. T he t enant makes t he
condition that should be noted, but does not fail.)
final determination as to whether or not this space is acceptable.
If both an oven and a stove or range are present, but the gas or
If there ar e s ome minor def ects, c heck "Pass" and make notes to
electricity are turned off, check “ Inconclusive.” Contact owner or
the right. Possible def ects i nclude: marked, dented, or scratched
manager to get v erification t hat f acility w orks w hen gas is t urned
surfaces; broken shelving or cabinet doors; broken drawers or
on. If both an oven and a stove or range are present and working,
cabinet hardware; limited size relative to family needs.
but d efects ex ist, check " Pass" and not e t hese to t he right of t he
form. P ossible defects are marked, dented, or scratched surfaces;
cracked burner ring; limited size relative to family needs.
A microwave oven may be substituted for a tenant-supplied oven
and stove (or range).
A microwave oven may be substituted for an owner-supplied oven
and stove (or range) if the tenant agrees and microwave ovens are
furnished instead of ovens and stoves (or ranges) to both
subsidized and unsubsidized tenants in the building or premises.
Previous editions are obsolete
Page 5 of 19
ref Handbook 7420.8 form HUD-52580-A (9/00)


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