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Ceiling Condition
Lead-Based Paint
“Unsound or hazardous” means the presence of such serious de-
Housing Choice Voucher Units
If the unit was built January 1,
fects that either a potential exists for structural collapse or that large
1978, or after, no child under age six will occupy or currently
occupies it, is a 0-BR, elderly or handicapped unit with no children
cracks or holes allow significant drafts to enter the unit. The
under age six on the lease or expected, has been certified lead-
condition includes: severe bulging or buckling; large holes; missing
based paint free by a certified lead-based paint inspector (no lead-
parts; falling or in da nger of falling loose s urface materials ( other
based paint present or no lead-based paint present after removal of
than paper or paint).
lead-based paint.), check NA and do not inspect painted surfaces.
Pass ceilings that are basically sound but haves some
nonhazardous defects, including: small holes or cracks; missing or
broken ceiling tiles; water stains; soiled surfaces; unpainted
This requirement applies to all painted surfaces (building
surfaces; peeling paint (for peeling paint see item 1.9).
components) within the unit. (Do not include tenant belongings).
Wall Condition
Surfaces to receive a visual assessment for deteriorated paint
“Unsound or hazardous” includes: serious de fects such that t he
include walls, floors, ceilings, built in cabinets (sink bases),
structural safety of the building is threatened, such as severe
baseboards, doors, door frames, windows systems including
mullions, sills, or frames and any other painted building
buckling, bulging or leaning; damaged or loose structural members;
component within the unit. Deteriorated paint includes any painted
large holes; air infiltration.
surface that is peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking, damaged or
Pass walls that are basically sound but have some non hazardous
otherwise separated from the substrate.
defects, including: small or shallow holes; cracks; loose or missing
parts; unpainted surfaces; peeling paint (for peeling paint see item 1.9).
All deteriorated paint surfaces more than 2 sq. ft. in any one
Floor Condition
interior room or space, or more than 10% of the total surface
area of an interior type of component with a small surface
“Unsound or hazardous” means the presence of such serious defects
area (i.e., window sills, baseboards, and trim) must be
that a potential exists for structural collapse or other threats to safety
stabilized (corrected) in accordance with all safe work practice
(e.g., st ripping) or large cracks or hol es al low substantial dr afts f rom
requirements and clearance is required. If the deteriorated
below the floor. The condition includes: severe buckling or major
painted surface is less than 2 sq. ft. or less than 10% of the
movements under walking stress; damaged or missing parts.
component, only stabilization is required. Clearance testing
Pass floors that are basically sound but have some nonhazardous
is not required. Stabilization means removal of deteriorated
defects, including: heavily worn or damaged floor surface (for ex-ample,
paint, repair of the substrate, and application of a new protective
scratches or gouges in surface, missing portions of tile or linoleum,
coating or paint. Lead-Based Paint Owner Certification is required
previous water damage). If there is a floor covering, also note the
following stabilization activities, except for de minimis level
condition, especially if badly worn or soiled. If there is a f loor covering,
including paint or sealant, al so note the conditions, specially if badly
worn, soiled or peeling (for peeling paint, see 1.9).
Previous editions are obsolete
Page 3 of 19
ref Handbook 7420.8 form HUD-52580-A (9/00)


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