Housing Choice Voucher Program Inspection Form Page 19

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General Health and Safety
For each numbered item, check one box only.
If Fail or
Inconclusive, date
If Fail, what repairs are necessary?
If Inconclusive, give details.
(mm/dd/yyyy) of
If Pass with comments, give details.
final approval
Access to Unit
Can the unit be entered without having to go through
another unit?
Is there an acceptable fire exit from this building
that is not blocked?
Evidence of Infestation
Is the unit free from rats or severe infestation by
mice or vermin?
Garbage and Debris
Is the unit free from heavy accumulation of garbage
or debris inside and outside?
Refuse Disposal
Are there adequate covered facilities for temporary
storage and disposal of food wastes, and ar e t hey
approvable by a local agency?
Interior Stairs and Common Halls
Are interior stairs and common halls free from haz-
ards t o the occupant be cause of l oose, broken, or
missing steps on stairways; absent or insecure rail-
ings; inadequate lighting; or other hazards?
Other Interior Hazards
Is the interior of the unit free from any other hazard
not specifically identified previously?
Where local practice requires, do all elevators have
a current inspection certificate?
If local practice
does not require this, are they working and safe?
Not Applicable
Interior Air Quality
Is the unit free from abnormally high levels of
air pollution from vehicular exhaust, sewer gas,
fuel gas, dust, or other pollutants?
8.10 Site and Neighborhood Conditions
Are the site and immediate neighborhood free from
conditions which would seriously and continuously
endanger the health or safety of the residents?
8.11 Lead-Based Paint: Owner Certification
If the owner of the unit is required to correct any
deteriorated paint or lead-based paint hazards at
the property, has the Lead-Based Paint Owner’s
Certification been completed, and received by the
PHA? If the owner was not required to correct
Not Applicable
any deteriorated paint or lead-based paint haz-
ards, check NA.
Additional Comments: (Give Item Number)
Comments continued on a separate page
Previous editions are obsolete
Page 19 of 19
ref Handbook 7420.8 form HUD-52580-A (9/00)


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