Application For Citizenship Of Fiji Page 8


Certificate A
(To be completed only where the applicant is under 18 years of age by the applicant’s parent or guardian)
I, ____________________________________________________ the + parent/legal guardian of ______________________
hereby apply for his/her registration as a citizen of Fiji.
If the legal guardian, I am authorised by (a) the Court at _____________________________ to act or (b) by the minor’s
+ Father/mother whose consent to my action is attached.
Signature ………………………………….
Certificate B
(To be completed by persons acting as the applicants referees)
Referee’s Surname __________________________ Forenames _____________________________ Title __________________
Full Residential address ____________________________________________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, hereby state that I am a citizen of Fiji, and that I am not the barristers and solicitor or agent or relative of the
applicant _______________________________________________ I support this application from my personal knowledge and
close acquaintance with the applicant for _________ years (not less than 3 years), I vouch for the applicant’s good character and
loyalty and I am prepared to furnish full details of my knowledge of and acquaintance with the applicant. I have read the
warning on the front of this form.


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