Assignment Deed Form

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This Assignment agreement is applicable to an invention entitled (invention Title):
The PATENT RIGHTS referred to in this agreement are:
(Check one)
a Patent Application for this invention, executed by the ASSIGNOR(S) concurrently with this Assignment
U.S. Patent Application Serial No. _____________________, filed _____________________________
U.S. Patent No. ___________________, issued _____________________________
The PATENT RIGHTS assigned under this agreement are:
(Check One)
U.S. Patent rights only
worldwide Patent rights. In this case, the assignee shall have the right to claim the benefit of the filing date of
any U.S. Patent Application identified above.
The ASSIGNOR(S) referred to in this agreement is (or are):
(Full name of sole or first assignor) _____________________________________________________________________________
(Address) _________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Full name of second joint assignor, if any)_______________________________________________________________________
(Address) _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Additional assignors are being named on separately numbered sheets attached hereto.
The ASSIGNEE(S) referred to in this agreement is (or are):
(Name of Assignee) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(Address of Assignee) ______________________________________________________________________________________
The sole or first ASSIGNEE is:
(Check One)
an individual
a partnership
a Corporation of ___________________________________________________________________
(State or Country)
Additional assignees are being named on separately numbered sheets attached hereto.
The ASSIGNOR(S), in consideration of $1.00 paid by each ASSIGNEE, and other good and valuable consideration,
receipt of which is acknowledged, have and do hereby assign the following to each ASSIGNEE; their successors and assigns:
the full and exclusive right to the invention;
an equal interest in and to the entire right, title and interest in and to the PATENT RIGHTS in the invention, all
continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals, re-issues, and re-examination patents and patent applications; and
the right to claim priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119, based on any earlier foreign applications for this invention.
As to all U.S. Patent Applications assigned under this Agreement, the ASSIGNOR(S) hereby authorize(s) and request(s)
the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to issue all Letters Patent to the ASSIGNEE(S) as the ASSIGNEE(S) of an equal
interest in the entire right, title and interest, for the sole use and enjoyment of said ASSIGNEE(S), their successors and assigns.
Further, the ASSIGNOR(S) agree(s) to communicate to said ASSIGNEE(S), or their representatives, any facts known to
the ASSIGNOR(S) respecting said invention, and testify in any legal proceedings, sign all lawful papers, execute all divisional,
continuation, substitute, renewal, reexamination and reissue applications, execute all necessary assignment papers to cause any
and all Letters Patent to be issued to said ASSIGNEE(S), make all rightful oaths and generally do everything necessary or desirable
to aid said ASSIGNEE(S), their successors and assigns, to obtain and enforced proper protection for said invention.
(Signature of sole or first assignor)
(Signature of second assignor, if any)


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