Moon Phases, Eclipses, Tides Pre-Quiz Science Worksheets Page 2


18. Describe how you can tell if it is a waxing or waning moon phase.
19. Why don’t we have a lunar or solar eclipse every month?
20. Name TWO reasons why you are more likely to see a lunar eclipse than a total solar
eclipse in your lifetime.
21. Why do we only see one side of the Moon?
22. Draw and LABEL the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth during a Lunar eclipse.
Indicate what phase the moon is in!
23. Draw and LABEL the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth during a Solar eclipse.
Indicate what phase the moon is in!
24. Which planets, if any, can be observed going through phases like the Moon?
25. During which Moon phases are you most likely to have a large tidal range? WHY?
What are these tides called?
26. Tides observed during the quarter moon phases are known as ________ tides.
27. Name four things you can learn from a tide table book.
28. How does the altitude of the Full Moon change with the seasons?
29. What phase will the moon be on Halloween this year?
Identify the moon phase illustrated in each picture below. Then study its position for the
time given. Determine what is wrong in each diagram and explain what you would do to
make the illustration correct.
Moon Phase __________________
Time: 6 P M
Correct by _______________________
Moon Phase ____________________
Time: 12 PM (noon)
Correct by _______________________
Possible Bonus Questions (Look up the answers for extra points)
Where and when did Mrs. Soltis record the solar eclipse?
How many pounds of moon rocks did the Apollo astronauts bring to Earth?
What type of animal did the Russians send to the Moon?
On what date (month, day and year) did Apollo 11 land on the Moon?


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