Moon Phases, Eclipses, Tides Pre-Quiz Science Worksheets


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Moon Phases, Eclipses, Tides Pre-QUIZ
Figure 1
Figure 2
Use Figures 1 and 2 to answer the following questions. You may use your moon clock for help.
Sample Questions to expect:
1. Name the phases. (given above for you to study, but you will name on test).
PLEASE note which side the Sun is shining in the diagram!
2. Which Moon phase would you see highest at Midnight? _________ Setting? _________
2. Which Moon phase comes BEFORE the Full Moon? _________ New Moon? ________
3. Which Moon phase comes AFTER the Full Moon? _________ New Moon? _________
4. If you were illustrating a cartoon with a Moon rising at 9 PM, which Moon would you
choose? ___________
5. When you would expect to see a 1
Quarter Moon setting (in the West)? __________
TRUE or FALSE (or possible multiple choice questions)
6. One synodic cycle of Moon phases takes 29.5 days.
7. We always see only one side of the Moon.
8. Spring tides occur every month.
9. During a solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun.
T F 10. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon moves into the shadow of the Earth.
T F 11. Phases are NOT caused by shadows, but by changing positions of Moon.
T F 12. There are about 14or 15 days between a Full Moon and a New Moon.
T F 13. As the Full Moon sets, the Sun is rising.
T F 14. A 1
Quarter (or 3
Quarter) Moon is 90 degrees from Earth-Sun line.
T F 15. Solar eclipses happen during the day, Lunar eclipses happen at night.
T F 16. The Moon is about 1/4 Earth’s size, but has only 1% Earth’s mass.
T F 17. The Moon rotates on its axis every 27.3 days, a sidereal cycle.


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