Ionic Compound Lab Ionic Formulas Worksheets Page 3


How to Write the Lab Report Using the CER Method
Create a data table similar to the one you used while doing the lab but add a column for the
formula and another column for the name of the compound. See the sample heading below. Add
19 lines for the combinations of ions you created.
Completely fill out the table by copying what you recorded when you did the lab then write the
correct formulas and names for each compound. This completed data table contains the
information you will use to write “E” statements for the prompt.
Select one compound from each station to address the prompt using the Claim-Evidence-
Reasoning method of writing critically. This means you will have five CER statements written
under the data table in your lab report.
The Prompt Is: Verify that ionic compounds were made in this lab. Do this for each of the
compounds you selected. Make certain to identify in each claim which cation and anion
combination you chose.
Example of a CER response:
Claim: At station X, Ca
and O
reacted to form calcium oxide which is an ionic compound.
Evidence: Two liquid solutions produced a white precipitate.
Reasoning: Ionic compounds are formed when cations react with anions. Calcium is a metal; all
metals form cations due to losing electrons. Oxide is the anion that results from oxygen gaining
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