Ionic Compound Lab Ionic Formulas Worksheets


Creating Ionic Compounds
Purpose: To create ionic compounds from various ion-containing solutions and record
observations, write formulas and names for the compounds.
 Wear safety goggles
 Be careful not to spill any of the chemicals
 Beakers
 Plastic Droppers
 Stirring rod
 Ions charts
 Solutions containing the following ions:
o OH
o Ag
o CO
o Ni
o PO
o Cu
o Cl
o Mg
o I
o Fe
1. Go to one of the five stations. Each station has one cation in solution and several anions
in solution in separate beakers. Notice the labels on the beakers.
2. There is a laminated ion chart at each station.
3. Use the pipette in the cation solution to place two to three drops of the cation solution in
each box in the row.
4. Add two to three drops of anion solution using the pipette in the beaker taking care to
place them in the boxes with the corresponding anion. (Put the hydroxide ion drops in
the hydroxide box, the carbonate ion drops in the carbonate box, etc.)
5. Provide a short description of that substance in the data table. The description should
include (but is not limited to): color of the substance and whether the substance was
cloudy (opaque) or clear.
6. Rinse the compounds off in the sink, dry it, and put it back at the station it came from.
7. Repeat these steps for the other four stations. It is not necessary to go in order. Just
make sure you record your data in the proper section of the table.


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