Petition For Legitimation - Dekalb Superior Court Page 3


[Check and complete all that apply below.]
I want the birth records of the child to be changed as follows:
G (a) I want the child’s last name to be changed on the birth record to my last name.
G (b) I want my name to be entered as the father on the birth record.
G (c) No changes are necessary on the birth record concerning either the father’s name or the
child’s last name.
[Check and complete part (a) or part (b), but not both.]
G (a) There is already a child support order concerning the child. The current order was issued
by the
Court / Agency in court case number
. It requires me to pay $
G (b) There is currently no child support order concerning the child.
THEREFORE, the Petitioner asks:
[Check and complete only the ones that apply below.]
G (a) That process issue and the Respondent be served with a copy of this Petition for
G (b) That the Court order service by publication for the Respondent mother, whose address is
unknown. I am filing my Affidavit(s) of Diligent Search with this Petition, and
incorporate it here by reference.
G (c) I ask that the Court enter an Order legitimating my relationship with the child, so that the
child will be recognized as my legitimate child, capable of inheriting in the same manner as
if born in lawful wedlock;
G (d) That the last name of the child be changed to my last name;
G (e) That the Department of Vital Statistics be ordered and directed to amend the child’s birth
record and to reissue the birth certificate as follows:
[If you checked (e) here, you must also
check and complete all that apply out of the two below.]
G (1) entering my name as the father on the birth record
G (2) changing the child’s last name to my last name.
G (f) I ask that the Court enter an Order providing for specific, liberal visitation privileges for
me with the minor child.
Petition for Legitimation (Solo Version) —
Page 3 of 4
Rev. July 18, 2005
Provided by the DeKalb County Superior Court and the Atlanta Legal Aid Society


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