Petition For Legitimation - Dekalb Superior Court Page 2


G (d) the whereabouts of the Respondent mother are unknown and the child or I reside in
DeKalb County, Georgia.
G (e) the mother of the child is deceased and the child or I reside in DeKalb County, Georgia.
The Respondent,
, is the child’s mother.
[Check and complete only one of the following.]
G (a) The mother’s address is
G (b) The mother is deceased.
No other man is shown as the father on the birth certificate, and the mother was not
married to any other man at the time of the child’s conception or birth.
[Check and complete all that apply below.]
The child lives with the following person who takes care of the child:
G (a) The Respondent / mother
G (b) The Petitioner / father
G (c) Neither the child’s mother nor the Petitioner. Instead, the child lives with
, whose relationship to the child is
. They reside at the following address:
County, in the State of
My paternity of the child has been established by a court or by operation of law based on
the child’s birth certificate or, if paternity has not been legally established, I state that I am the
child’s natural father. I want to legitimate my relationship with the child, as provided in OCGA
§19-7-22, so that the child will have full rights as my child, and I will have full rights as the father
of the child. I believe that legitimation would be in the child’s best interests.
Petition for Legitimation (Solo Version) —
Page 2 of 4
Rev. July 18, 2005
Provided by the DeKalb County Superior Court and the Atlanta Legal Aid Society


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