Easy Addition Facts Worksheet Page 44


Hard Addition: The Make 10 Facts
This is an important strategy because it reinforces the concept of base ten for thinking
about numbers. Again, ten frames are highly useful for demonstrating this strategy. As
you will see later in subtraction, using ten as a base or anchor will be an important way of
thinking about some facts.
A Ten Frame for 8 + 3
Add 2
Add 1
Demonstrating the Strategy
You can use the tens frame to show make tens facts. In the example above, you would
have students identify how many (8 in this case). “We have 8, and now we are going to
add 3 more. We can break 3 into 2 plus 1. I add the 2 (9, 10) and 1 more. That gives us
11. 8 + 3 = 11. That’s the same as 8 + 2 + 1. Notice the pattern.” Use a number of
different facts to communicate the make tens strategy.
General Guidelines
Remember, use the first page of the facts set to talk about the strategy. Give students
enough time to apply the strategy to the facts. For the remaining pages, use the mastery
criterion – at least 35 correct facts out of 40 in two minutes. Duplicate fact sheets if you
need to in order to give students enough practice to meet the mastery criterion. Also,
look over student sheets to see if particular facts are difficult for students. If so, provide
even more practice on these facts.


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