Organisms & Environment: Classification Unit Test Review Page 2


20. Chloroplasts are organelles inside plant cells and some eukaryotic organisms that aid in photosynthesis. If a
scientist found an organism that contained chloroplasts, but was unicellular, could he classify it in the plantae
kingdom? If not, what kingdom? _______________________________
21. True or False? Fungi rely on other organisms as food sources.
22. All members of the Domain Eukarya have _____________________
23. Cows mainly eat grass. Cows are classified into which taxonomic Kingdom? _________________________
24. A prokaryote that can make its own food could be classifies into which two taxonomic domains?
________________________ or __________________________
25. All _________________________ have cellular membranes that enclose organelles.
26. The flat worm can reproduce itself as shown in the picture.
This kind of reproduction from one parent, or one set of genetic material is
called ____________.
27. A scientist found a new organism. What is the first characteristic he will
observe for classification purposes (Hint: always at top of classification charts
and foldable characteristics)? ____________________
28. Fungi can reproduce (list all that apply) ___________________________
29. Where can archaea be found? How does this set them apart from bacteria? ___________________
30. What type of cell is this?
31. Place a circle around the autotrophs and a box around the
heterotrophs in the diagram.
32. Which 2 kingdoms are represented in the diagram?
_________________ and _________________
You must be VERY familiar with all the
information organized in this chart:
Define the following prefixes
and roots:
33. eu-________________
34. hetero-________________
35. karyon-________________
36. auto-________________
37. troph-________________


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