Elevator Speech Examples Page 2


ESSA KEY Messages
Story and Fact/Data
The Ask
Pulling It All Together
[Title IV, Part A]
I work with the 5
Allocate block grant funds
Our school library offers digital and print materials that are
School librarians increase
science teacher to provide
for library resources.
accessible to every student in the building and this is critically
access to personalized,
supplementary materials to
important to our diverse population. When our 5
graders do
rigorous learning experiences
the textbook for struggling
their science unit on electricity, the library is able to supplement
supported by technology,
and advanced readers. This
the text with materials from our shared databases, which even
allowing equitable resources
allows all students to
include audio support for struggling readers and English
for all students.
understand the core
language learners. We also offer supplemental reading materials
principles of topics such as
for kids performing above grade level. It is critical to have these
electricity, and to scaffold
resources in a place where all students and teachers can access
to texts of higher reading
them; please ensure that [state’s] implementation plan includes
school libraries in its programs eligible for Title IV funds.
[Speaker: Librarian. Audience: State Board Official.]


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