Elevator Speech Examples


ESSA Elevator Speech Examples
ESSA KEY Messages
Story and Fact/Data
The Ask
Pulling It All Together
[Title I]
Nearly 60 percent of first
Ensure that students have
We are seeing a disparity in preparedness among our incoming
School librarians and access to
year college students
access to school library
students. We count on students having digital literacy and
effective school library
require some remediation.
programs throughout k-12
information literacy skills that will allow them to do college level
programs impact student
The critical thinking and
work and, all too often, those skills must be remediated. That
achievement, digital literacy
research skills developed in
deficit negatively impacts student engagement, retention, and
skills, and school
an effective school library
academic performance. Please use Title I funds to help close that
program are essential
gap and ensure that all students in [state] have access to
components of college
effective K-12 school library programs. (Speaker: College
Administrator. Audience: State Legislator or Board of Ed Official.)
[Title II, Part A]
Librarians lead professional
Include school librarians in
My librarians are integral to staff development and, in addition
School librarians are teacher
development and
Title II funding plans for
to leading committees throughout our district, they deliver
leaders, providing professional
committees. In this district,
the state.
quarterly professional development workshops for our teachers.
development, building
librarians trained teachers
Because of the librarians, our middle school students now have
capacities around technology
so that students can
cross content digital portfolios. I urge you to specifically identify
integration, and collaborating
maintain digital portfolios
school librarians in state plans for use of Title II funds. (Speaker:
with colleagues for instruction
across content areas.
District Administrator. Audience: State Board Official.)
and assessment.
[Title II, Part B, Subpart 1]
I have written more than
Appoint a librarian to the
Through successful grant writing, I have secured more than
School librarians are uniquely
$25,000 in grants, and my
district’s Title II grant team.
$25,000 in library resources that are shared by teachers and
suited to lead the effort in
literacy action research
students throughout the school. In addition, my literacy action
applying for competitive grants
project provided the data
research was incorporated into the district’s IAL grant. Please
because of their expertise and
and supporting
appoint me to the district’s Title II grant team. (Speaker:
access to strong professional
documentation for our
Librarian. Audience: District Administrator.)
district’s successful IAL
grant last year.
Southern Regional Education Board, National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, “Beyond the Rhetoric: Improving College Readiness Through Coherent State
Policy,” 2010.


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