Sample Progress Report Template Page 2


Progress and Outcomes
* = required before submission
1. Annual Milestones
Have you achieved your annual milestones for the past year as submitted in your grant application? Only
select the appropriate year you are reporting on. Please provide specific numbers and facts where possible.
For example, if one of your annual milestones was “Interactive education with young people in sports clubs”, the
achievement against this milestone should be as specific as possible e.g. “15 education sessions provided to 489
participants aged 15-23yrs”.
Annual Milestones Year 1:
This field will be pre-populated from your grant application
* Achievements against milestones Year 1:
Include the dates you are reporting on as Year 1.
If you submitted a Year 1 Progress Report already, this field will be pre-populated with your answer.
Annual Milestones Year 2:
This field will be pre-populated from your grant application
* Achievements against milestones Year 2:
Include the dates you are reporting on as Year 2.
How is your project tracking to meet its intended outcomes? Please give us an overall description. We ask
you to be as succinct as possible. Dot points are acceptable. Please provide as much data to support your answers as
you can, rather than generalised statements. If you have documents you would like to share that illustrate your
progress, you can attach these at the end of this report.
Key Expected Outcomes: This field will be pre-populated from your grant application
* 2. Progress so far:
3. What has been surprising?
4. Have you met any challenges which have affected the delivery of your project?
(Consider external or internal
issues e.g. difficulty recruiting, partnership challenges, government funding changes, lower than expected
participation) (max 100 words):
5. Have there have been any changes to the project from the original proposal that you have not advised
HMSTrust about?
For example, changes to partnerships, key staff, and timeframes or budget allocations. Please
describe the changes and explain the reasons for them. You may be required to submit a grant amendment. (max 100
6. Have you been able to leverage HMSTrust funding to secure further support?
(e.g. such as grants from other sources, ongoing funding, other forms of support or benefits.) (max 100 words):


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