Study Abroad Program Evaluation Form Page 3


25. Comment on the program-related excursions, visits, tours and/or other activities that were
scheduled outside of class time.
26. Do you expect to make any changes in the rest of your college studies or in your choice of
career as a result of this experience? Explain.
27. Evaluate each of the courses you took (level of difficulty, methods, content, quality of
teaching, homework testing).
a. COURSE TITLE__________________________PROFESSOR________________________
b. COURSE TITLE__________________________PROFESSOR________________________
c. COURSE TITLE__________________________PROFESSOR________________________
28. How do you feel about the country(ies) you resided in for the duration of the program?
29. How do you feel about the city you lived in?
30. On a scale of A-F, what letter grade would you give your program, taken as a whole?
31. Comment on the leadership provided by the Director(s) of the program.
32. Additional comments on any part of the program are more than welcome. Please write them
in the remaining space and continue on the back.


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