Study Abroad Program Evaluation Form Page 2


12. Relations with the group
13. Your own improvement in subject matter
14. Availability of help (personal, academic,
15. Arrangements for group travel
16. List the places that you visited with the group that you think should be left out.
17. List any additional places you would have liked to visit with the group.
18. As a whole, has the program met your expectations? Please elaborate.
19. Would you recommend this program to other students? Why or why not?
20. What advice or tips would you give to someone participating in this program in the future?
21. What do you consider to be the strongest aspect of this program?
22. What do you consider to be the weakest?
23. What changes would you recommend in the program?
24. Comment on the family homestay (if this was the case) or about the strengths and
weaknesses of the residence hall(s)/hotels.


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