Rusa Program Evaluation Form


RUSA Program Evaluation Form
Your evaluation of this program is very important to us, and your thoughtful answers to the following
questions will assist us in providing quality continuing education.
Content was current and relevant
Content was cohesive and logical
Content was appropriate to my needs
Handouts were valuable
Presentation materials were of high quality
Were knowledgeable
Were prepared
Had good presentation skills
Overall Satisfaction
I was satisfied with the program
The highlight (best feature) of this program:
The low point of this program:
Please tell us about yourself:
1. My place of employment (or interest if not employed). Please check only one.
___Academic Lib. ___Public Lib. ___School Lib.
___Special Lib. ___Other:______________
2. My primary area of work (please check one):
___Access Services
___Collection Development
___ILL/Document Delivery
___Web/Digital Resources
___Library Instruction
3. My role (please check one):
___Dept. Head/Team Leader
___Staff member
___Faculty member
4. I have been in this position (please check one):
___less than 1 year
___11-20 years
___40+ years
___1-5 years
___21-30 years
___6-10 years
___31-40 years
5. Would you be interested in taking an online course?
___Yes ___No
6. I could do my job more effectively if I knew more about:
Thanks for your help. Please turn in the form before you leave or mail to: RUSA, 50 E. Huron St.,
Chicago, IL 60611.


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