Church Constitution Sample Page 2


We agree to walk in Christian harmony and watchfulness, giving and receiving assistance with meekness and
affection; to pray for one another; to help each other in sickness and sorrow; to be slow to get angry; to always
be eager for reconciliation, seeking it without delay. We further agree that, when we move from this area, we
will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the
principles of God's Word.
Article VI - Amendments
Changes in this constitution may be made at any regular business meeting of the church, provided that copies of
each amendment have been presented in writing at the previous regular business meeting, that a written copy of
the amendment has been published at least twice in the weekly church newsletter or bulletin prior to being voted
on, and that written copies have been made available in the church office to the church membership.
Amendments shall be passed by two-thirds vote of all members of the church present and voting.
Article VII - Adoption
Section 1 – This constitution shall be considered adopted and in immediate effect if and when two thirds of the
members present and voting at the business meeting at which the vote is taken shall vote in favor of same. This
vote shall be taken not less than 30 days after formal presentation of the constitution of the church.
Section 2 – This constitution abolishes, supersedes, and takes the place of any constitution, rules, and bylaws
and amendments that preceded it.
Section 3 – A copy of this constitution and bylaws shall at all times be kept by the church clerk and another
copy shall be kept in the church office. All amendments and revisions shall, after passage by the vote of the
church, be prepared by the church clerk and incorporated in the constitution and bylaws and made available to
church members on request.
Responsibilities of all committees will be developed and voted on by the church. These duties will be formed
into a booklet and made available to all church members.
Article IX - Church Council
A Church Council shall be comprised of all elected ministerial staff, the chairperson of the deacons, the
directors of all program organizations as indicated in article VI, and the chairperson of all church committees.
The pastor or his designee shall serve as chairperson of the Church Council. The Church Council serves as the
administrative body of the church and shall meet during the last week of every month to calendar and
coordinate the work of the church.
Article X - Amendments
Changes in these bylaws shall be made at any regular business meeting of the church, provided each
amendment shall have been presented in writing at the previous regular business conference meeting, that a
written copy of the amendment has been published at least twice in the weekly church newsletter or bulletin
prior to being voted on, and that written copies of the proposed amendment be furnished to each member
present. Amendments to these bylaws shall be ratified by two-thirds vote of all members of the church present
and voting.
Article XI - Adoption
These bylaws shall be considered adopted and in immediate effect if and when two thirds of the members
present and voting at the business meeting at which the vote is taken shall vote in favor of the same. This vote
shall take place not less than 30 days after formal presentation of the bylaws to the church.


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