Church Of The Train Wreck Motion Work Chart - Train Wreck Records Page 2


Motion Work Chart – page 2
D) In The Area Of Your Health - how do you feel? Are you taking care of
yourself? Could you be doing a better job of that? Do you have addictions that are
sapping your strength. Look to the future. How would you like to feel 5YFN?
STEPS TAKEN______________________________________________________
FOLLOW UP________________________________________________________
E) In The Area Of Kindness & Generosity – how would you like to see yourself
5YFN? - are you currently so busy with your own concerns that you forget
others? A kind word & a smile can go a long way toward helping someone else
have a better day. We can see that easily when we’re on the receiving end.
However, when you’re on the giving end the rewards are even more amazing &
the reason is rather simple – you’re self esteem is raised. And there is nothing
more powerful than that!. The simple truth is - the happiest people are giving &
kind. With that in mind, how would you like to see yourself in this area 5YFN?
STEPS TAKEN______________________________________________________
FOLLOW UP________________________________________________________
PRAYER (to end motion session) - “Thank you Oh Lord, for helping me get off my ass
& get my soul in motion”
IMPORTANT NOTE: Save all your MOTION WORK CHARTS for the purpose of
helping you indulge in the pleasure of your accomplishments during your Hour Of
Reflection on Saturday


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