Church Of The Train Wreck Motion Work Chart - Train Wreck Records


Monday – Date______________
PRAYER - “Please Oh Lord, help me get off my ass & get my soul in motion.”
1) CLEAN YOUR WORK SPACE – time allotted – 10 minutes
2) BEGIN ACTUAL MOTION WORK – time allotted – 50 minutes
First think of how you would like to be five years from now in the following areas of
your life. Then take immediate steps toward achieving that goal.
A) In Your Relationships – with your mother, father, sister, brother, boyfriend,
girlfriend, daughter, son, grandkids etc. What would you like to have
accomplished 5YFN?
STEPS TAKEN______________________________________________________
FOLLOW UP________________________________________________________
Note – Follow up’s are things to do at your leisure during the week
B) In The Area Of Your Job (your work) – do you like what you do? Would you
rather be doing something else? Would another job fit the real you better?
Whether you are, or become a salesman, a baseball player, a painter of houses or a
painter of emotions. What would you like to have accomplished 5YFN?
STEPS TAKEN______________________________________________________
FOLLOW UP________________________________________________________
C) In The Area Of Your Finances – do you have a grasp on your income & your
expenses? If you’re the head of the household, have you protected your loved
ones in case something happened to you. Do you save wisely. How would you
like your financial set up to look like 5YFN?
STEPS TAKEN______________________________________________________
FOLLOW UP________________________________________________________


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