Hourly Fee Agreement Page 2


You should be aware of an ethical requirement imposed on all Ohio attorneys, that if a client, in the
course of representation by an attorney, perpetrates a fraud upon any person or tribunal, the
attorney is obligated to call upon the client to rectify the same, and if the client refuses or is unable
to do so, the attorney is required to reveal the fraud to the affected person or court.
The outcome of negotiations and litigation is subject to factors which cannot always be foreseen;
therefore, it is understood that Attorney has made no promises or guarantees to Client concerning
the outcome of this representation and cannot do so. Nothing herein shall be construed as such a
promise or guarantee.
This FEE AGREEMENT pertains only to legal services rendered and costs and expenses for the
matter expressly stated above. It does not relate to any other matter for which Client seeks
representation by Attorney. Any other matter will require a separate FEE AGREEMENT.
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OSBA ClientKeeper 9/97
IV.-A. Hourly Fee Agreement


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