Hourly Fee Agreement


The undersigned, _________________________________ (hereinafter known as Client) hereby
requests the legal services of _________________________ (hereinafter known as Attorney) for
representation concerning
Legal services will be billed on an hourly basis, with time being charged in tenths of an hour, at the
following rates:
___________ per hour
_______ per hour
___________ per hour
Law Clerks
_______ per hour
Attorney will use his/her discretion in staffing, to provide services in the most economical manner
possible. Please note that all time spent on your behalf in this matter, including time spent in
telephone conversations, will be charged to you. The initials of the person performing the services
will be noted on the invoice.
In addition to fees for legal services, Attorney will be entitled to payment or reimbursement for
costs and expenses incurred for services, including but not limited to: photocopying, messenger
and delivery service, fees for computerized research services, travel (including mileage, parking, air
fare, lodging, meals and ground transportation), long distance telephone, telecopying, depositions,
court costs and filing fees. Client agrees that Client is responsible for such expenses relating to
this case. Depending upon the type of case you have, expenses may also include, but are not
limited to: medical treatment, charges for medical examinations and reports, the cost of accident
and credit reports, hospital records and pictures. Attorney is hereby authorized to charge such
expenses and have such expenses billed to Client and Client agrees to pay them promptly. Unless
other arrangements are made at the outset, fees and expenses of others will not be paid by Attorney
and will be the responsibility of and billed directly to the Client.
Client agrees that Attorney may retain co-counsel, and Attorney agrees that Client will be
consulted concerning co-counsel and any fee arrangement with co-counsel prior to retention of or
consultation with co-counsel by Attorney.
Invoices for legal services rendered and costs advanced or incurred are issued
(indicate time interval, e.g. monthly) and are payable upon receipt. Interest at the rate of
________ percent per month will be added to the balance due on amounts which remain unpaid
thirty (30) days or more.
Attorney reserves the right to withdraw from representation if, among other things, Client fails to
honor the terms of this FEE AGREEMENT by failing to pay Attorney's invoices, by failing to
cooperate or follow Attorney's advice on a material matter, or if any fact or circumstance arises or
is discovered that would, in Attorney's view, render our continuing representation unlawful or
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