Sample Consent Form
Below is a sample consent that can be used for conducting your CLEAR sessions. You are
encouraged to use this consent so that participants are informed about the intervention and
have a opportunity to indicate their willingness to participate. Please adapt this sample
consent to meet you agency’s requirements and needs.
Title: CLEAR
Description: CLEAR is a multiple session intervention which is conducted one-on-one. The goal
of CLEAR is to help clients maintain health, reduce transmission and acquisition of HIV and
other STDs and improve their quality of life.
Risk and Benefits: There is no risk for participation. The benefit to you from participating is
improved health and quality of life.
Costs and Payments: You will receive (insert incentive description) for taking part in (insert
number) individual sessions. Incentives will be distributed (insert how participants will receive
Confidentiality: Any information obtained about you as a result of participation in CLEAR will be
kept confidential (only made available to agency staff on a need to know basis). Such
information which will carry personal identifying material will be kept in locked files.
Voluntary Consent: I certify that I have read the above or it has been read to me and I
understand its contents. Any questions I have pertaining to CLEAR have been or will be
answered. A copy of this consent form will be given to me. My signature below means that I
promise to follow the rules of CLEAR and I freely agree to participate in the CLEAR sessions.
Participant Signature
(Organization) Staff Signature