Sample Resume Template Page 3


AACC Internship Résumé
Top 10 Tips Checklist
_____ 1. Do you have an appropriate email address?
(We recommend your address.)
_____ 2. Is your voicemail greeting/live voice answer appropriate and professional when
employers call?
_____ 3. Are abbreviations correct?
(For instance, Maryland is MD not Md. & Road is Rd. not RD, etc.)
_____ 4. Are all punctuation marks consistent? (Either a period or no period after statements &
consistent dash marks ( - -- — ), etc.)
_____ 5. Is this a one page résumé?
If not: --Does your work history justify a second page?
--Do you have a full second page?
--Does the second page include your name and either your phone
number or email address as well as “Page 2” in the upper right hand
(If you answered yes to all of these questions, a two-page résumé may be
_____ 6. Do columns, bullets, and other visual cues align on the page to help the reviewer read
the document more easily?
_____ 7. Is the font and any bolding, size changes, etc. appropriate and consistent ?
_____ 8. If you have an appropriate online portfolio, do you have a link to it?
_____ 9. Do you open with a clear objective statement specifying an internship goal in your
area of study?
_____ 10. Do you conclude with an availability statement targeting the term in which you seek
to intern?


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