Form 80-100-16-8-1-000 - Income Tax Instructions - Resident, Non-Resident And Part-Year Resident Page 19


period, you must notify our Bankruptcy Section immediately at
601-923-7393; due to the automatic stay provisions of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code the installment agreement may be void at
the time you file your bankruptcy case.
All dollar amounts should be rounded to the nearest whole
dollar (no pennies). Round down to the next lower dollar
amounts under $.50 and round up to the next higher dollar
amounts of $.50 and over. For example: $2.15 becomes
$2.00; $4.75 becomes $5.00; and $3.50 becomes $4.00.
Generally, you must file a Declaration of Estimated Tax, Form
80-106, for the income tax year if you do not have at least 80
percent (80%) of your annual Mississippi income tax liability
prepaid through withholding and if your annual tax liability
exceeds $200.
Keep a copy of your return with all attachments. Also, keep
the original or a copy of any schedules or statements you used
to prepare your return. Keep your records that support an item
Due Date
of income or a deduction appearing in a tax return until the
First Quarter
April 15th
statute of limitations for the return expires. The statute of
Second Quarter
June 15th
limitations is generally three years from the date the return
Third Quarter
September 15th
was due or filed, whichever is later.
Fourth Quarter
January 15th
Save any records concerning property, home, stocks, and
business property you bought and may sell later. The records
Estimate payments may be filed on-line through TAP. From
kept should show the purchase price, date and related cost.
the TAP home page, click on “Make an Estimated Payment”.
For real property, keep records showing the cost and date of
Your name, SSN/ITIN and contact information will be needed
in order to make an estimated payment.
Your return may be audited by the IRS or the Department of
Underestimating the required amount of tax or failure to file
Revenue. If audited, the law requires you to show proof of
estimated tax returns and pay the tax within the time
your income, expenses, and cost of assets. In the case of an
prescribed will result in an assessment of interest at the rate
audit by the IRS, the statute of limitations for adjusting income
of 7/10
of 1% per month on underpayment of tax from the
tax return is extended for three additional years beginning with
date payment is due until paid (see exception below). Form
the date the audit is disposed of by the IRS.
80-320, Interest and Penalty Worksheet, should be used to
determine the amount of underestimated interest due.
Exceptions: You will not have to pay the underestimated
interest if either of the following applies:
Income Tax: 3% on the first $5,000 of taxable income, 4%
on the next $5,000 of taxable income and 5% on taxable
 Gross income from farming or fishing is at least two-thirds
income in excess of $10,000.
of total gross income and (a) the estimate tax paid by the
15th day of the first month after the close of the income
year or (b) the income tax return is filed by the first day of
the third month following the close of the income year and
tax shown as due is paid.
File an amended return to:
 Filing requirements met after the payment due date.
 make adjustment to tax;
Compute the interest in the applicable columns and
 claim a refund due to an adjustment to tax;
provide the explanation on page 2 of Form 80-320.
 report federal adjustments (1040X), and;
 report IRS audit adjustments.
When to File: A taxpayer may apply to the Commission for
revision of any return filed at any time within 3 years of the due
Late Payment: Interest and penalty are charged on taxes
date; or, if an extension was granted, 3 years from the date
paid late even if an extension of time to file is granted. The
the return was filed. The 3 year period is not applicable to an
interest is at the rate of 7/10
of 1% per month from the
IRS audit; however, no additional assessment or refund will
due date until paid. The penalty imposed for failure to pay
be made more than 3 years after the date the IRS disposes of
the tax when due is 1/2% per month not to exceed 25% in
the tax liability in question.
the aggregate. Late payment interest and penalty apply to
any unpaid tax after April 15.
Internal Revenue Service Audit (RAR):
To document
adjustments made as a result of an IRS audit, the Revenue
Failure to File: The penalty for failure to file a return is
Agent Report should be attached to the Mississippi amended
imposed after October 15. The penalty is 5% per month
return. If the amended return is filed within 30 days of the
not to exceed 25% in the aggregate. The penalty is based
finalized IRS audit, penalties will not be assessed.
on the balance due on the return. Such failure to file a
return penalty shall not be less than $100.
Amended Federal: To document adjustments made as a
result of an amended federal return, a copy of the amended


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