Form 80-100-16-8-1-000 - Income Tax Instructions - Resident, Non-Resident And Part-Year Resident Page 14


no Mississippi withholding. If more than four W-2(s), 1099(s)
expenses that exceeds 7.5% of Federal AGI on line
and/or K-1(s) were issued to you, attach as many additional
Form 80-107 as needed. All original W-2(s), 1099(s) and/or
K-1s must be attached to the return.
If line 2b is more than line 2a, enter zero on line 2c.
Lines 3a through 3c: Taxes Paid
Note: Gambling winnings reported on a W-2G, 1099, or other
informational return from Mississippi casinos are subject to a
State income taxes paid or any other taxes
three percent (3%) non-refundable income tax. The casinos
allowed in lieu of federal purposes including
withhold the tax at the time of payout.
winnings, are not deductible as an itemized
The amount withheld is non-refundable to the taxpayer.
deduction. These amounts should be subtracted on
Section 27-7-901 of the Mississippi Code provides that the
line 3b. Also, you cannot deduct federal income tax
amount of winnings reported on W-2G, 1099 or other
or Social Security tax. Enter amounts from Federal
informational return from Mississippi casinos are not included
Form 1040, Schedule A. (Section 27-7-17(3)(a)(i))
in Mississippi income and no income tax credit is allowed for
the amount of withholding.
Line 4: Interest Paid
Federal income tax limitations with regard to interest
A non-resident taxpayer with only Mississippi gambling
expense apply fully to Mississippi income tax. Enter
winnings and/or losses should not file a Mississippi tax return.
only interest expense deductible for federal income
The document provided by the casino is considered the
tax purposes.
Enter amount from Federal Form
income tax return for this type of Mississippi income and
1040, Schedule A.
therefore is proof that the tax was paid to Mississippi
Line 5: Gifts to Charity
FORM 80-108
You can deduct what you gave to organizations that
are religious, charitable, educational, scientific, or
For the year 2016, Form 80-108 includes Schedule A -
literary in purpose. The amounts you deduct are
Itemized Deductions; Schedule B - Interest & Dividends
subject to the federal limitations. Enter amount from
Income; Voluntary Contribution Check-Offs; Income (Loss)
Federal Form 1040, Schedule A.
from Rents, Royalties, Partnerships, S Corporations, Trusts &
Estates and Schedule N - Other Income (Loss) and
Line 6: Casualty and Theft Losses
Supplemental Income. Information for completing Schedule A
is transferred from Federal Form 1040 Schedule A. If you filed
A casualty or theft loss is computed on the same
your federal return using the standard deduction and wish to
basis and subject to the same limitations as under
itemize deductions for Mississippi purposes, please use a
federal law. Use federal instructions included with
Federal Form 1040 Schedule A as a worksheet and transfer
your federal tax return to determine your loss.
the information from the specific lines indicated to the
Federal Form 4684 must be attached.
Mississippi Schedule A.
For information about federal disaster area losses,
including the election to claim a casualty loss
deduction for the tax year(s) proceeding the year of
Individual taxpayers may elect to either itemize their individual
the casualty, net casualty loss carrybacks and
nonbusiness deductions or claim a standard deduction. If your
carryovers, contact the Department of Revenue.
itemized personal deductions are greater than the standard
Enter amount from Federal Form 1040, Schedule A.
deduction for your filing status (see instructions for line 14), it
will be to your advantage to complete and file Schedule A. If
Lines 7a through 7d – Job Expenses and most Other
the standard deduction for your filing status is greater than the
Miscellaneous Deductions
amount of itemized deductions you can substantiate, it is to
your advantage to claim a standard deduction.
You may deduct certain miscellaneous expenses
authorized by federal law and regulations such as
Line 1: Federal Adjusted Gross Income
educational expenses and employee expenses, but
only to the extent that such expenses exceed the 2%
Enter the amount reported on Federal Form 1040,
federal adjusted gross income limit. Enter amount
line 38.
from Federal Form 1040, Schedule A. Subtract 2%
of federal AGI on line 7b. If line 7c is more than lines
Lines 2a through 2c: Medical and Dental Expenses
7a and 7b, enter zero on line 7d. You must attach
Federal Form 2106.
The instructions included with your federal return
should be used in determining your medical
Lines 8a through 8c – Other Miscellaneous Deductions
deduction. You should base your 10% limitation, line
2b, on your federal adjusted gross income from your
Other miscellaneous expenses not subject to the 2%
federal income tax return. Enter the amounts from
federal adjusted gross income limit are deductible on
Federal Form 1040, Schedule A. Subtract 10% of
line 8. Refer to federal instructions to determine type
Federal AGI on line 2b. However, if either you or
and amount. Enter amount from Federal Form 1040,
your spouse was born before January 2, 1952, you
Schedule A. Mississippi gaming losses are not
can deduct the part of your medical and dental
deductible and should be subtracted on line 8b.


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