Form 80-100-16-8-1-000 - Income Tax Instructions - Resident, Non-Resident And Part-Year Resident Page 13


itemized deduction expenses incurred while a Mississippi
resident. Mississippi taxes and gaming losses must be
subtracted from Mississippi itemized deductions.
Unless otherwise stated, the line item instructions are
generally the same for both the Resident and the Non-
Line 13a: Mississippi Adjusted Gross Income
Resident returns; however, lines 13 through 15 differ on the
Non-Resident Return from the Resident Return. The following
Complete the Schedule of Income on page 2 of your
instructions are specific for Form 80-205 only.
return to compute your total Mississippi income.
Enter the amount from the Mississippi Income Only
Lines 13 through 15
Column on page 2, line 62.
In order to complete lines 13 through 15 of Form 80-205, the
Line 13b: Total Adjusted Gross Income
Exemption and Deduction (Standard or Itemized) must be
prorated according to the ratio of Mississippi income to total
Enter the amount for the adjusted Total Income
income of taxpayer and spouse from all sources. Complete
from All Sources on page 2, line 62. An adjustment
page 2 in order to complete lines 13 through 15.
claimed on this line requires an attachment of a
schedule or other detailed explanation of the
Non-Resident individuals are allowed the same personal and
additional exemptions authorized for resident individuals.
However, the full amount of the exemptions is intended for
Line 13c: Ratio
individuals (residents) reporting total income to Mississippi,
regardless of source.
Divide the amount on line 13a by the amount on line
13b and enter the result here.
The ratio or
Mississippi law provides that non-resident individuals not
percentage cannot exceed 100%.
This is the
reporting total income are entitled to a deduction of that portion
percentage or ratio you will use to prorate the
of the personal and additional exemptions in the ratio that
allowable deductions (line 14) and exemptions (line
income from sources within Mississippi bears to total net
income from all sources.
The ratio determined cannot
exceed 100%.
Line 14a: Itemized Deductions or Standard Deductions
If the total income of the taxpayers, including husband and
You may choose to either itemize individual non-
wife, is not reportable to Mississippi, the personal exemptions
must be reduced on an income ratio. Only the Mississippi
deduction for your filing status, whichever produces
income is taxable for Mississippi income tax purposes, but
the greater tax benefit. Refer to the table on page
total income must be declared for the proration of exemptions
5 for the amounts of standard deduction allowed.
and deductions.
Enter the amount of your standard deduction or
If married, with one spouse a resident and the other a non-
itemized deductions on this line. Non-resident and
resident, the personal exemption of the resident individual
part-year resident individuals must prorate their
shall be prorated on the same basis as if both husband and
itemized or standard deductions in the ratio of
wife were non-residents having net income from within and
Mississippi income to total income from all sources.
without the State of Mississippi.
Line 14b: Mississippi Itemized or Standard Deduction
Part-Year Residents: An individual who is a resident of
Mississippi for only a part of the tax year by reason of either
Multiply the amount on line 14a by the ratio on line
moving into the state or moving from the state shall be allowed
13c and enter total here. This is your allowable
the same personal and additional exemptions as authorized
deduction amount. Carry this total to line 17.
for resident individuals. However, the part-year resident shall
likewise prorate his, her, or their personal and additional
Line 15a: Total Exemption
exemptions on the same basis as provided above for
nonresident having net income from within and without the
Enter the amount of exemption claimed on line 12.
If filing Married - Filing Separate, use half
amount reported on line 12.
Standard Deduction: Proration of the standard deduction is
required of non-residents and part-year residents for the same
Line 15b: Mississippi Exemption
reasons and subject to the same limitations as described
above. If you elect to claim the standard deduction, in lieu of
Multiply the amount on line 15a by the ratio on line
itemizing personal deductions (Schedule
13c and enter total here. This is your allowable
A), and your total income is not taxable for Mississippi income
exemption amount. Carry this amount to line 18.
tax purposes, it is necessary to prorate the deduction.
Itemized Deductions: Proration of the itemized deductions
FORM 80-107
is required of non-residents and part-year residents for the
same reasons and subject to the same limitations as
Do not include W-2G income or withholding on this form.
described above.
If you elect to claim itemized personal
Form 80-107, Income/Withholding Tax Schedule, is a
deductions (Schedule A), in lieu of claiming the standard
summary of all Mississippi taxable income and withholding
deduction, and your total income is not taxable for Mississippi
information, which include any W-2(s), 1099(s) and/or K-1(s)
income tax purposes, it is necessary to prorate the deduction.
you received. You must complete this form even if you have
Mississippi part-year residents are authorized to claim only the


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