Form 80-100-16-8-1-000 - Income Tax Instructions - Resident, Non-Resident And Part-Year Resident Page 10


FULL AMOUNT of your income tax due when you file
Line 38: Business Income or Loss
your return (or before the due date of April 15).
Payments can be made by check or money order
Enter your profit or loss if you owned a business or
payable to the Department of Revenue. Do not send
practiced a profession. If you had more than one
business, or if you and your spouse had separate
businesses, complete a Schedule C for each
PAYMENT. You may pay your tax in person at any
business. If the Mississippi net profit or loss amount
of the Department of Revenue District Service
varies from the Federal Schedule C net profit or loss,
Offices or through Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) on
then provide reconciliation. If you enter the federal
our website. Balances due of less than $1.00 need
amount on this line, but there is a difference between
not be paid.
adjustment on Form 80-108, Schedule N.
Federal Schedule C must be attached to your return.
If some of your expenses are part business and part
Line 37: Wages, Salaries, Tips, Etc.
personal, you can only deduct the business part as a
business expense.
Show the total of all wages, salaries, fees,
compensation, commissions, tips, bonuses, and
Line 39: Capital Gain or Loss
other amounts your employers paid you before they
deducted taxes, insurance, etc. Include in this total:
Enter the amount of capital gain or loss. Mississippi
 The amount shown on your Wage and Tax
generally follows IRS rules concerning computation
of capital gains and losses. Capital loss deductions
Statement (Form W-2) in the box "State wages,
are subject to the same limitations as federal.
tips, etc."
However, Mississippi does not have different tax
 Wages you received but for which you do not have
rates for capital gains. All income is taxed at the
same rate.
Gains from the sales of ownership
a Wage and Tax Statement.
interests must first be reduced by the amount of any
 Tips you did not report to your employer.
losses determined from sales or transactions
described in Miss. Code Ann. § 27-7-9(f) (10). If the
amount reported on this line is different than the
 Fair market value of meals and living quarters if
amount reported for federal purposes, reconciliation
given by your employer as a matter of your choice
should be attached. If you enter the federal amount
and not for your employer's convenience.
on this line, but there is a difference between
 Strike and lockout benefits paid by a union from
adjustment on Form 80-108, Schedule N.
union dues, including both cash and the fair market
applicable, the Federal Schedule D must be
value of goods received, unless the facts clearly
attached to your return.
show that such benefits were intended as a gift.
Line 40: Rental Real Estates, Royalties, Partnerships, S
Include all W-2’s with your return.
Also, you must
Corporations, Trusts, etc.
complete the Income/Withholding Tax Schedule (Form
80-107) and submit it with your return.
Enter the income or loss from activities reported on
Federal Schedule E on this line.
If the amount
Differences may exist between the amount of state taxable
reported is different than the amount reported for
income entered on this form (line 37 through line 47) and the
federal purposes then attach reconciliation. If you
amount of federal taxable income entered on Form 1040,
enter the federal amount on this line, but there is a
1040A, etc. In such cases, reconciliation must be provided.
difference between Mississippi and federal amounts,
This can be accomplished in one of two ways. The first
enter the adjustment on Form 80-108, Schedule N.
method is to enter the amount per the federal return for the
The Federal Schedule E must be attached to your
corresponding line item (e.g. line 38 - Schedule C income) on
the Mississippi return. A separate adjustment is recorded on
Schedule N identifying the difference(s) between federal and
Line 41: Farm Income or Loss
state reportable income (e.g. Bonus Depreciation Adj. -
Schedule C - 1). The alternative is to enter the amount of
Enter the net farm income or loss on this line. If you
Mississippi reportable income on the appropriate line (e.g. line
are a farmer or rent your farm on shares, attach
41 - Farm Income) and attach a separate schedule reconciling
Federal Schedule F to your tax return.
the federal amount, the item(s) of difference, and the state
amount reported on page 2 of Form 80-105.
If the amount reported is different than the amount
Non-Resident Return: On Form 80-205, married individuals
reconciliation. If you enter the federal amount on this
with separate incomes electing to file a combined return (both
line, but there is a difference between Mississippi
spouses having earned incomes) should combine their
and federal amounts, enter the adjustment on Form
incomes beginning with line 38, and throughout the schedule
80-108, Schedule N.
to determine Total Income from All Sources and Income(s)
Earned in Mississippi Only.
Farm losses claimed by persons who do not devote
full time to farming will not be allowed unless such


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