Lowcountry Psychiatric Associates
25 Clark Summit Dr F-201
Bluffton SC 29910
HIPAA Privacy - Release of Information Authorization Form
Patient Name ___________________________________ DOB: ______________________
Address ___________________________City______________State______Zip__________
**1. Authorization**
I authorize the following provider(s):
□ Joseph Walters □ Richard Ford □ Suzanne Veilleux □ Marianne Osentoski
□ Vicki Bonnell and/or □ All Providers to request and/or release the
disclosure of the protected health information described below to and/or from the
following individuals/organizations:
Name of Person/Practice/Organization:____________________________________
Address: ___________________________City_____________State_____Zip__________
Phone #:________________________________Fax #:______________________________
Name of Person/Practice/Organization:____________________________________
Address: ___________________________City_____________State_____Zip__________
Phone #:______________________________Fax #:________________________________
**2. Effective Period**
This authorization for release of information covers the period of
healthcare from this date forward unless I revoke the authorization in writing.
**3. Extent of Authorization**
□ I authorize the release of my complete health record (including recordsrelating to mental
healthcare, communicable disease, and treatment of alcohol or drug abuse).
I authorize the release of my complete health record with the exception of the following
Mental health records
Communicable diseases (including HIV and AIDS)
Alcohol/drug abuse treatment
Other (please specify): _______________________________________________
I understand that my records are protected by the Federal Confidentiality Regulations as well as the
provisions of HIPPA and cannot be disclosed without my written consent unless otherwise provided for in
the regulations. I also understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization, in writing, at any
time. I understand that information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization may be disclosed by
the recipient and may no longer be protected by federal or state law.
Patient/Guardian Signature _____________________________DATE_____________
Printed name of Patient/Guardian__________________________________________