Wisconsin Police And Fire Protection Fee Resale Certificate

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Wisconsin Police and Fire Protection Fee
Resale Certificate
Check One:
Purchaser’s Business Name
Single Purchase
Wisconsin Tax Account Number
The above purchaser, whose signature appears below, claims exemption from the Wisconsin Police and Fire Protection Fee
on the purchase of communications service connections and prepaid wireless communication plans that will be resold.
Seller’s Name
I hereby certify that the communications service connections or prepaid wireless communications plans being purchased will be
resold and that I will collect and remit the Police and Fire Protection Fee on all sales of such connections and plans, unless I obtain
a Police and Fire Protection Fee Resale Certificate (Form PFP‑211) from my customer.
Signature of Purchaser
Print or Type Name
Wisconsin Police and Fire Protection Fee Resale Certificate – Instructions
All entries must be completed on the certificate for the
By providing this certificate to the seller, the purchaser
certificate to be considered “properly completed.”
is certifying that the service connections or plans are
being resold and that the purchaser will collect and
Police and Fire Protection Fee
remit the police and fire protection fee on all sales of
such connections and plans, unless it obtains a properly
The police and fire protection fee is imposed on each
completed Form PFP‑211 from its customer.
assigned telephone number (including landline, cellular
line, and a communication service provided via a VoIP
Seller Relieved of Liability
connection) at the rate of $0.75 on each assigned
telephone number. If a communications provider
Persons subject to the fee who receive a properly
provides multiple connections to a subscriber, the fee will
completed Form PFP‑211 from their customers are
be $0.75 for the first 10 connections and one additional
relieved of their liability of collecting and remitting
fee of $0.75 for each 10 additional connections per billed
the police and fire protection fee on such service
account (i.e., $0.075 fee for each connection over 10).
A fee of $0.38 is also imposed on each retail transaction
for prepaid wireless telecommunications plans.
If either the purchaser or the seller has any questions
regarding the completion or use of this resale certificate,
Who May Use This Certificate?
please contact the Public Service Commission by:
This certificate may be used by a purchaser to claim
Telephone: (608) 267‑2893
exemption from the Wisconsin police and fire protection
fee when it is reselling the communications service
Public Service Commission
connections or prepaid wireless communications plans
PO Box 7854
that it is purchasing. This certificate may not be used to
Madison WI 53707‑7854
claim exemption from Wisconsin state, county, baseball
and football stadium, local exposition, and premier resort
area sales or use taxes.
Web site:
PFP‑211 (N. 8‑09)


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