Housing, Dining & Residential Services
Roommate Agreement
Roommate #1 – Name - _____________________________________________________________
Roommate #2 – Name - _____________________________________________________________
Roommate #3 – Name - _____________________________________________________________
Building - _________________
Room - _____________________
Date - __________________
The roommate agreement is provided as an opportunity for you to discuss with your roommate(s) specific areas
regarding living in residence halls that roommates frequently come into conflict over. It is the belief that future
problems can be diverted if agreement on these potentially high conflict areas is reached early in the quarter.
Communication is essential for a positive, working relationship with your roommate. It is the single most important
factor in building a good roommate relationship. Many times roommates assume that they know how the other
feels. Therefore, they do no discuss issues like the use of personal belongings or how the room will be used. These
assumptions are not always correct and can lead to conflict. The roommate agreement will help you and your
roommate(s) begin the process of discussing issues before they become conflicts. Compromise is key to
successfully completing this document and to living with other individuals.
Read and complete each item.
Each roommate should make his/her individual responses. Being honest now will save time and minimize
hurt feelings later.
If responses are different, discuss that difference and try to reach an understanding with which all
roommates are comfortable.
Write down your agreements. If there are things not listed in the contract that you feel may be important to
you, write them down and discuss them too.
If problems arise, start the discussion before going to your Resident Advisor; if you are not able to come to
an agreement, speak with your RA about possible solutions.