Resume And Cv Guide Page 61


Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence.
Lowell, J. L., Matacin, M. L., & Smith, J. E. (1997, May). Maintaining body
esteem by modifying perceived importance of one's physical characteristics. Poster
presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.
Smith, J. E. (1997, April). Mate preferences among adults: Theories and
comparisons. Paper presented at 1997 Psi Chi Student Conference, University of
Heatherton, West Heatherton.
Smith, J. E. (1996, April). Effects of media-endorsed, thin-ideal body images on
women's self-esteem. Paper presented at 1996 Psi Chi Student Conference, University
of Heatherton, West Heatherton.
Smith, J.E., & Protulis, E. S. (1995, April). The effects of gender and sexual
orientation on desired partner preferences. Paper presented at 1995 Psi Chi Student
Conference, University of Heatherton, West Heatherton.
Brown Bags, Colloquia, and Other Informal Talks
Smith, J. E. (1999, Spring). Development of a theory explaining the detriments of social
comparison on achievement. Talk presented for Topics in Social/Personality Psychology, State
University of Anywhere.
Ivanova, M., Pawluk, J., & Smith, J. E. (1999, Winter). Tips and strategies for getting into and
surviving graduate school: What to do if at first you don’t succeed. Panel discussion presented for The
College of Saint Peter Psi Chi and Psychology Club, Anywhere, NY.
Smith, J. E. (1998, Fall). Impact of media portrayals of women on women’s self- and body-
esteem. Colloquium presented for Psychology Subject Pool, State University of Anywhere.
Baston, H., Dodge, T., & Smith, J. E. (1998, Fall). Behavioral distinctiveness and the
information value of social images. Talk presented for Topics in Social/Personality Psychology, State
University of Anywhere.
Lowell, J. L., & Smith, J. E. (1997, Fall). Body-esteem and self-serving illusions. Talk
presented for Topics in Social/Personality Psychology, State University of Anywhere.
Other Publications
Smith, J. E. (1996). Effects of media-endorsed, thin-ideal body images on
women's self-esteem. Modern Psychological Studies, 4(2), 67-72.
Smith, J. E. (1992). Plastic people: The American desire to be perfect. Explorations: A
Magazine of Freshman Writing. West Heatherton: University of


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